
Dave Airozo

Retired Director

Dave Airozo taught 4th grade at Forest Knolls Elementary School for 22 years, retiring in 2022. Prior to becoming a teacher, he was a business reporter for 20 years. Dave grew up in a union family.  His father was secretary of his postal workers local. He first became involved in MCEA work as a school rep and member of a contract bargaining team. Adequate planning time was a sticking point during those contract negotiations and still is, but through the power of collective bargaining, we won salary and benefit improvements and other concessions. Dave was hooked.

Even though he’s no longer in the classroom, Dave still believes in the power of unions to improve the lives of working people. He also serves on the Board of Directors of Shepherd’s Table, a nonprofit that aims to improve the quality of life, create a pathway towards self-sufficiency, and inspire hope for the most vulnerable in our community.  

When he’s not advocating for educators, he and his wife travel. 

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