April 5, 2014
8:00 am - 3:30 pm
12 Taft Ct. Rockville , MD 20850 United States
Political Action Professional Development
Leading Change in the Profession Through Organizing – Additional Module for 2014!
Learn and Hone Your Skills: MCEA will be offering Module #5 of our leadership training that will be called Leading Change in the Profession through Organizing. Anyone may take this module, it will be limited to 75 people and it will be held on Saturday – April 5 from 8:00 to 3:30. Breakfast, lunch and contact hours will be provided to participants in the same way that they have been for the other four Leadership Institute modules. Participants will learn how to engage and lead their colleagues in advocating for what makes a difference to the students and employees of Montgomery County. Participants will leave with resources, tools and skills that allow them to effectively organize colleagues for action.
Put Those Skills to Work: From those who attend the professional development on April 5 , MCEA will be looking for up to 50 Organizing Captains who will receive a stipend for helping organize their peers around issues that impact the profession during the 2014 elections. These issues will include state and local policy issues, full funding of public schools, electing the right people in decision making positions and helping members in your building exercise their collective rights. Captains will receive guidance to develop a plan, enlist support of colleagues and grow their capacity to exercise their collective rights. Captains will be asked to report on their progress and be in regular contact with MCEA staff.
Use this link to register: http://bit.ly/1juZtmj